Voter's lip bitten off during fight at polling station

A man believed to be in his mid-twenties had a part of his upper lip bitten off during a free for all fight at the Dormadin LA Primary School Polling Station in the Worawora township in the Volta Region.
The man whose name was not immediately known sustained the injury when he joined a group of men to fight another group for attacking his junior brother who had gone to the polling station to cast his ballot.

Adom News’ Mubarak Yakubu reported that the man and his group claimed that their junior brother was head butted at the polling station during a confrontation between him and the group of voters.

According to Mubarak, the fight started when persons queuing to vote raised issues over the man helping some blind people to cast their ballots.

The man after helping more than three blind voters were told to allow another person also help the fourth blind person.

Voter lip bite

This demand, the man claimed was not right leading to confrontation between him and the expectant voters. He was head butted in the process causing him to report to the Police who were monitoring the elections at the polling station.

When the police failed to act on his complains, he went home and invited his family to come and confront the expectant voters.

This led to another free for all fight at the polling station.

It was in the process that the leader of the team that had come to defend their brother had the left side of his upper lip bitten.

He was subsequently sent to the Worawora Government Hospital where he is receiving treatment.
